In this page you find a number of downloads and links that you can find useful for your research or presentations. Please feel free to use them and just refer to relevant literature or simply Credit: Filippo Fraternali
Download the plots of the mass models, the posteriors, and tables with all the scale heights for the sample of galaxies presented in: Mancera Piña et al. 2022, MNRAS
Rotation curves of dwarf galaxies
Download the complete dataset of circular velocities for 17 LITTLE THINGS galaxies from this paper: Iorio et al. 2017, MNRAS
Online material
Online material for the paper: Pezzulli et al. 2015, MNRAS, 451, 2324
Accretion onto galaxies
Abbazia di Spineto, Italy, 2019
Rotation curves across the Hubble time
University of Surrey, UK, 2019
Galactic fountain cloud going through the Galactic corona
In this hydrodynamical simulation (with the code Athena, Stone et al. 2008, ApJS, 178, 137) a fountain cloud leaves the disk of the Milky Way at 75 km/s, launched at a low angle. The cloud has a temperature of 10^4 K and Solar metallicity, the corona has T=10^6 K and Z=0.1 Solar, the two media are initially in pressure equilibrium. At the end of the simulation the mass of cold gas (T<3x10^4 K) has increased by 20% (Armillotta et al. 2016).
This movie shows the comparison between the HI emission observations of the LAB survey and the predictions of three models: 1) thin disk, 2) simple galactic fountain and 3) galactic fountain with gas accretion.
Details in Marasco et al. 2012.
Extraplanar gas in NGC 2403: download mov
From Fraternali et al. 2002, AJ, 123, 3124
Galactic fountain producing extraplanar gas in the Milky Way
Cannubi (geometrical parameters of galaxies observed in emission line datacubes)
3D-BAROLO (rotation curves and velocity dispersions from emission line datacubes)
galpynamics (calculation of galactic potentials, forces, hydrostatic equilibrium in galaxies, see G. Iorio's thesis)
HI (21-cm) data cube of NGC 2403, VLA, 30” resolution (from Fraternali et al. 2002)